Many millions of pictures of Yosemite Falls have been taken at this spot, and here are two more, taken 40 years apart. I took the one on the left in July 1963 with my Kodak Brownie camera. The man is my father, the barely visible head on the left is my sister, and the boy on the right is one of my brothers. The other brother was apparently at the campsite with my mother, who wasn’t so athletically inclined. Yosemite – tent camping, mind you, not RV’ing -- was a tradition Dad’s father started, and my dad carried it on. However, I believe this was my last camping trip to Yosemite. We had some serious car trouble on this trip. I suspect that was why subsequent camping trips were at places closer to home. He never got over his love for Yosemite, though. In later years, when that little 4-year-old head on the left grew up and had her own family, she arranged several other camping trips back to Yosemite involving tents and pop-up trailers because she wanted her children to experience Yosemite, too. And then almost exactly 40 years later, in June 2003, I flew to California so I could join my brother and sister and our parents for a long weekend at the park. We stayed at a motel on the banks of the Merced River, right at the park entrance. It was amazing, memorable weekend. The picture on the left is of my father and my sister’s children, who are standing almost at the very same spot. Note of interest: the tall tree on the right in the first picture is still there in the second one.