Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dealing With Disappointment

Well, there is disappointment, and then there is


Since about January, the main thing I was looking forward too for this year was our trip to California. We were supposed to leave on June 18 to see my family and attend the big party on June 21 for my sister's youngest daughter to celebrate her 18th birthday and high school graduation. Everything fell into place, even for R.

Then, the vacation became even more important because of the situation with my folks and my mother being in the nursing home trying to get back on her feet--literally--after spinal surgery. I know my brothers and sister were looking forward to my being there at the house with Dad for the week to help take some of the burden off of them and to visit with my mom.

As we were waiting in the ER, it was immediately obvious to R that the vacation would have to be cancelled. At first, I was in denial, but then he began gently explaining the logistics of driving 1500 miles with me unable to walk; indeed, it may be 2 months before I can get back on my feet again.

Like just about everybody else that walks the earth, I have to work through any number major disappointments over the years, but the only time I remember feeling this much disappointment for a similar reason was when I was in elementary school and my class was going on a field trip to some really neat place. Maybe it was the circus, or Marineland of the Pacific (an oceanarium that used to be on Palos Verdes Peninsula), but I was unable to go because I was sick on the day of the trip. Really sick. I was basically very healthy as a kid, and I almost never missed school for any reason, but I certainly missed school that morning. I did not get to go on the field trip. It was devastating.

My family in California is disappointed, too, but the first thing my dad said on the phone when I broke the news was, "Well, maybe you can come out for your birthday." So everybody is getting over it, moving on with life, and once again thinking ahead to the future. I have a choice, too: I can semi-sit here and brood and be depressed, or I can take the Apostle Paul's words to heart...

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose
(Rom 8:28). and...

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us...(Rom 5:3)

We'll just have to see what sort of good thing comes out of this injury and better yet, what sort of a character I turn out to be after this is episode in life comes to its conclusion.

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