Monday, March 07, 2011

Weekend movie viewing

Today's Quote for the Day 
Not every story has explosions and car chases. That's why they have nudity and espionage.
- Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum

I enjoy a good car chase or explosion as much as anybody else (anybody who saw the classic Steve McQueen movie Bullitt, won't soon forget that car chase!) but it seems like a lot of movies are nothing more than excuses for car chases and explosions and there is little else going on to recommend them. 

Which prompts a few comments about The King's Speech, which did not have explosions or car chases or nudity or espionage. It played in the local theaters during at time when we had no interest in going to the movies and we missed it. When it won the some Academy Awards, as everyone suggested it would, then it was back in the local theaters and we were able to see it over the weekend.

I actually don't care very much about who does or does not win an Academy Award, and I certainly have not seen every film Colin Firth has made, and I suppose he has made some stinkers, but who can forget him as Mr Darcy? Or the character he played in the movie Love Actually.

Well, at any rate, he was truly wonderful, and The King's Speech had everything I like in movie. Drama. Laughs. A good plot. And it was true (or mostly true). It was a bit of feel-good entertainment that we sorely needed.



Oklahoma Granny said...

I've wanted to see that movie but just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe when it comes to the local $2 movie theater I'll get to.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We don't do movies until they come on television..we are old farts:)

Smurfy turf said...

I loved this movie, and will purchase the DVD when it comes out. The acting was delightful at every frame, the costumes, the sets and the content moved me. Sometimes one has to see a movie on the big screen, this is one of those. Like so many other people, I wait for the TV to show the movie, but this one was different.