Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Visions of peach cobbler danced in their heads

I think people are being a bit careful not to complain that that Spring seems to be here already. The problem is: We barely had Winter, which, of course, really isn’t a problem except that it just doesn’t feel right, somehow.

To be sure, Winter didn’t skip us altogether: We had some cold days, a few days when it got down to 0 overnight, and it stayed below freezing for about a week in January, and there were a few days when there was snow on the ground, and school had to be cancelled for a couple of days because the roads were bad.

Unlike every other Winter I can remember since we moved here, we did not get hit with a bad ice storm or a lot of freezing rain. The old athletic shoes I have rigged up with cleats so I can walk on slick ground never saw the light of day. Can’t complain too much about that.

We all might be singing a different tune tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. It could easily turn nasty again – has done in the past and probably will do in the future --

and the promise of peach cobbler offered by the peach tree outside the back door could be dashed by another hard freeze.

But in the meantime...

one can dream…


Tami Weingartner said...

Oh yummy! Call me when it's ready I'll be right!

Lovely images....we are in the same weather pattern as you it would seem. Lovely 68 today. And for PA that is flip flop weather!

Cloudia said...

Glo- to the - orious!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

>< } } ( ° >

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am coveting your peach blossoms and the fruit you will have..we cannot grow them here in Minnesota.
I know the feeling about spring coming after a not quite winter..makes me wonder what is next:)