Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Birthday

A few hours after our son was born, the obstetrician who was supposed to have delivered him (someone else did the job) came in to check on me and wondered if we were going to name him Abraham in honor of President Lincoln. 

 Now that I think about it, I believe the doctor’s first name was Abraham too.

 Abraham is a good Biblical name—a fine name indeed—but we had another choice in mind. We picked Nathaniel because it meant “gift from God,” and we felt God truly had given us a very special gift. We weren’t planning to have children “for a while,”so when I found I was pregnant, we believed it was God’s hand on our lives to bring it about.

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to be a mother and to watch a little boy... 

 grow into a man

Remembering him on his birthday.



Far Side of Fifty said...

As a Mom you remember your children every single day, take comfort in your good memories:)

Elli H. Radinger said...

Hi Leilani.
I would love to send you something from Germany. But I don't know where to send it. Could you please mail me and let me know?

All the best