Monday, October 04, 2010

All things are possible

There are times when my faith to believe in miracles and that with God all things are possible is so strong, and then there are times when I seem to be floundering. I have seen God work miracles, and I have seen God accomplish what seems to be the impossible. So I know it can happen.

Since last October when my mother died – and especially since May when we got the terrible news about our son – I have been so blessed by the up-lifting e-mails and emotional support of a friend in California who has encouraged me and our son in so many ways by just “being there” in cyberspace.

Now she is facing a crisis of her own. Their first grandchild was born a few days ago, and he is in serious trouble. He has blood on the brain.

If the doctors can stabilize him over the next 48 hours -- and he survives -- there will almost certainly be some damage, but they won’t know the extent of it for a while.

I haven't forgotten that God will need to work a miracle in our son's life. But right now I am praying with all of my heart that He will work another miracle here for this little baby.

One miracle has already occurred -- the mom has a genetic defect that was not passed on to the baby.

Now they need another one.

My heart is just breaking for her and her husband, and their son and his wife. They thought they were going to go to the hospital and come home in a few days with their new baby boy. It may be 6 weeks before the baby can come home, and the future for this baby is uncertain.

I don’t even know how to articular a prayer for them.

God, have mercy.
God, have mercy.

1 comment:

Oklahoma Granny said...

I will certainly keep this sweet baby and his family in my prayers just as I've been keeping your family in them. We serve an awesome God. Just yesterday I witnessed the result of one of His huge miracles.