When I had reached 68 books and the year was not nearly over with, it occurred to me that this was becoming a source of pride, as though I was saying
Look how many books I have read! Aren't I special!!!
and so I deleted that portion of the sidebar and I stopped counting books.
I began 2010 reading at the same fast pace, but as Spring turned into Summer and we got caught up in all that was going on, about the only reading I did was when I read out loud to Richard and Nathaniel while we were on trips in the car, and by the end of year, while Nathaniel was in the nursing home.
And in 2011… well… grief and the depression that goes with it dropped like shroud. The antidepressant drugs I took helped to keep me going, but even with them smoothing things out, I lost interest in doing many of the things that used to give me pleasure. I quit watching the few TV program I enjoyed. I pretty much lost interest in reading -- I couldn't concentrate on what I was reading even if I was in the mood -- except when Richard was driving us some place in the car.
I still went to the thrift store and the used-book store and I bought books that looked interesting, but I didn’t actually read them. People who care about me and know I love to read loaned me books to read. And I added them to the shelf and there they sat -- about 3 feet worth – collecting dust.
I am pleased that in the past couple of months the gray shroud has begun to lift, and I am once again enjoying a few TV programs and I have started reading again.

I finished the John Grisham book, an amazing collection of short stories … and the Alexander McCall Smith book, another installment in the delightful life of Isabel Dalhousie, and I started the Jennifer Finney Boylan book – a truly fascinating book -- and on a car trip earlier in the week, I started reading the first in Jim Lehrer’s One-Eyed Mack series to Richard.
Then on Thursday, I received this e-mail from Judy
I just finished reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. You will love it!!! That's an order. Truly you will love it. You will cry and laugh out loud and not want it to end.And true to her word, the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society did in fact find its way into my hand yesterday at aerobics class….
I started reading it last night, and I believe her assessment will be correct. I have already laughed out loud, enough so that Richard appeared in the door between the bedroom and the living room and wanted to know “what’s so funny?”
I wrote it down..any book that makes you laugh out loud must be really good.
I am so glad you are coming to terms with your grief..and your reading and TV watching habits have returned:)
I had that side bar with my books too. Like you I took it down. Time to do something different.
I have tried to read this book, but couldn't get into it. Since I now have two people ( your friend and you) saying it's a good one, I'll try it again.
I understand your circunstance with not reading but am so glad you are able to again. It is such a good escape to enter all the new worlds that books offer.
Yes. As the book begins it is a bit confusing and irritating trying to figure out what is going on. If I had not been told... "ordered"... to read the book I would not have gotten past the first couple of pages myself. Try again Boomer
I'm glad you can read again. I can't yet, but I am trying. It's as if I have ADD or something. Same thing with TV. My mind wanders off.
Maybe it takes me longer because of my MS, I don't know. I used to go through books like candy. Now it takes me a long time to get through a chapter.
I see by your photos we have a few books in common. =)
I kind of miss your shelfari. Wasn't that what you had?
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