Monday, May 06, 2013

A little bit of Henbit

Not too long ago, when it really did feel like Spring….

and life was bursting forth with vigor…

and Sprinter (spring + winter) had not made an appearance with light snow in some areas and some rather chilly temperatures, and…

it had not started raining again (which we really are not complaining about after last Summer’s drought) and brought a soggy halt to yard work, although the yard has been growing with glee…

Judy arrived at aerobics on a Monday morning feeling very pleased with herself that over the weekend she had finally finished weeding the strawberry bed but grumping at the volume of Henbit she had had to pull up…

Did I know Henbit? she asked.

I had to admit I did not. What garden we have is grown in half whiskey barrels, which cuts down on the weeds.

I could, however, tell her all about Lambs Quarters and how good they are to eat.

Not being one to not know something that someone thinks I might know about, I dug out my Wild Edibles of Missouri after I got home, and sure enough, there was Henbit and it is good to eat as a potherb and in salad
And I wondered around my yard looking for it and could find none at all.

However, I did find some growing somewhere else...

And I think it is is rather pretty.

So I told Judy about it and suggested she pull her weeds and eat them too.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is surprising what you can eat..I always love the fancy salads that they throw pansies or violas in:)