Monday, April 27, 2009

Life imitating art

Usually when I go to the aerobics class my body flails away at the routine but my mind is totally tuned out, off somewhere else. Frequently I "come too" mid-way through the routine not remembering whether we have some of the maneuvers -- whether it be the Chicken, Toy Soldier, or "Turn Left, Up Down."

Today, for example, I was thinking about the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series that we watched last night. But just before that, there was a promotional for a movie about Winston Churchill...

And that reminded me of a really great movie about Winston Churchill that we saw a few years ago starring Albert Finney and Vanessa Redgrave....

And then I thought about how Vanessa Redgrave is probably one of the most hated actors in certain sectors because of her political beliefs (her and Jane Fonda)....

And then I remember that she is the mother of Natasha Richardson....

And then I thought about Liam Neeson who was married to Natasha Richardson....

And then I thought about the various movies we have seen him in, including a favorite.... Love Actually. The character that Neeson plays in that movie is mourning the recent death of his wife, and at the same time has to help his young son negotiate the minefield of "puppy love."

And now the poor man in must cope with the real life death of his wife, leaving behind young sons.

What a terrible twist of fate.

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