Monday, August 16, 2010

Aren''t we lucky

Last night I read this in the book A Thread of Blue Denim by Patricia Leimbach, which you might be able to find in your public library. She puts a slightly different spin on what I was trying to say in my last post, but does it a bit better, I think….

At the end of the pea patch where I pass it on the tractor, another blossom stands out against the sand like a lonely exclamation point. Beautiful dandelion, flower of childhood! Beautiful in the meadows and the laws and along the roadside; beautiful in the sight of children and of God.

My little neighbor asks me, “Do you have to plant dandelions, Aunt Pat, or do they just grow?” My heart trembles in the realization that on my answer hangs one of those value judgments by which adults destroy the free acceptance and appreciation of many things beautiful. I could have given her a lesson about weeds, but I have learned that some of the rankest weeds are planted by adults in childish minds to stifle their native inclination to the truth.

“No Lynn, you don’t have to plant dandelions. Aren’t we lucky they just grow.”

Yes indeed.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I agree about dandelions. An old lady of my late husband's acquaintance lost her sight as a young girl and got in back again late in life. The first day she got it back she went out and picked a bunch of dandelions to put in a vase.

Far Side of Fifty said...

beauty is in the eye of the beholder..very nice post..thanks for sharing:)