Friday, July 05, 2019

Another Year

Our anniversary was last week and I got distracted and forgot to acknowledge the event and am catching up now. I had been telling people we’ve been married 47 years but actually we have been married 48 years. Oh well. What’s a year.

We celebrated with a nice meal at a Chinese restaurant.

We had some discussions about anniversary presents. Some 15 years ago he bought me a lovely perfume for our anniversary. It cost $80, which I thought was way too much at the time. It has lasted that long because I only wear it on Sunday – usually it works out to once a month – and only a couple of squirts at that. And now it is almost gone. So, I suggested he could get me that.

He went searching for it online, and Gucci is no longer making that particular perfume. He did fine a couple of bottles of it online for $220 each.

Nope. That’s not gonna happen. I like the perfume, but not that much. So then I suggested Linder’s truffles. That’s doable.

I asked him what he would like. He would like a 2019 Corvette, and since he would never be able to get it down the driveway, how about $35,000 for a new asphalt driveway.

Nope. That’s not gonna happen either.

Anything else? He’ll think about.

The card he gave me said,

The more our story unfolds, the more deeply and completely I love you

That’s the best anniversary present of all.


Donna. W said...

Happy anniversary! I sometimes “lose” a year too, these days... both in years married and years on this earth.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Anniversary! At least you went out to dinner! We sometimes just stay in since our anniversary is in DEcember:)