Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hold it... hold it..... doggone it...

I have seen this little one several times in the past two days. She (I think it's a she) has made a number of trips, vacuuming up sunflower seeds until her cheeks are bulging.

I wonder if she knew deep down in her little animal bones that some seriously cold weather was on the way, and was just making sure there was enough to eat in the burrow under the oak tree. I wonder how many of these she actually eats, and how many are wasted.

Well, the cold weather arrived this morning, whether she sensed it or not. Church is canceled. And I don't think I will be seeing too much of her today, or the next few days.

I love watching her, and I was trying very hard to get picture of her looking at me with her cheeks bulging with sunflower seeds.

I'd tap on the window and she'd sit up on her haunches for a second or two to look at me, and then go back to vacuuming up the seeds before I could get the camera situated and press the button.

And then when her cheeks were about as stuffed as they could get.

I tapped. She stood. And she held the poise, perfectly, and I managed to get a couple of pictures.

And I ended up with this....

And this....



Teri said...

What a happy little critter to have such a source of food for the cold days in Willa. Loved all of the pictures, Leilani.

Just got myself set up with a google address to reply to your blogs. Keep warm, big hugs,

Teri said...

Forgot to add, those are some chubby cheeks on her. They looked streached to the limit. Cute:)

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Now I am waiting for Teri to start a blog, with pictures, about her life in Hawaii (chickens, garden, dogs, etc)to remind me that not everybody is freezing.

Ladybird World Mother said...

!!! Love those pictures. What a sweetie. would do just the same if I was her! Happy Christmas and thanks for lovely comment!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for visiting my blog - love your pics! Happy Christmas.